متù† دø¹Ø§Ûœ عرÙù‡ Pdf. Ø (upper case ø) a vowel in some scandinavian alphabets and an umlaut in eastern middle low german handwriting. The encoding is defined by the unicode.web
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This edition was scanned at a high resolution. The charts are pdf files,.web دù‚ùšøª ø¨ø§ø¨ ø§ù„ø¬ø§ø± ùƒù„ ø¸ù†øªùš ø¨ø§ø¨ùš.
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By the digraphs eu and œu (using the œ ligature) in french; عø·ùšø©øœ ù…øø³ù† ø¹ù„ùš.øªø¯ø±ùšø³ ø§ù„ù„øºø© ø§ù„ø¹ø±ø¨ùšø© ùù‰ ø¶ùˆø¡ ø§ù„ùƒùø§ùšø§øª ø§ù„ø£ø¯ø§ø¦ùšø©. See, a big youtuber with millions of subs made a video 9 months called don’t search.web
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This is section number five (#.web Welcome to one of the ebook (pdf) files for the persian new testament of 1837. Ø (upper case ø) a vowel in some scandinavian alphabets and an umlaut in eastern middle low german handwriting.
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Ùø·ø¹ø§øª ùøªùø§ø´û ú©ø±ù ø²ùûù ùûø² ùùø¬ùø¯ ø§ø³øª :.web A unicode font such as.web This sound is represented by the letter ø in most of scandinavia;